The National Service Scheme (NSS) is a central sector scheme of the Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. It provides opportunity to the student-youth of the country to take part in various Government led Community Service activities and Programmes. The soul aim of the NSS is to provide hands on experience to young students in delivering Community Service.
The Mission of the NSS is Service to Humanity. The NSS is building the youth with the mind and spirit to serve the society and work for social uplift of the downtrodden people of the country.
The NSS has been working with the motto “Not Me But You” and the motto is designed to inspire the youth for the service of the people. The aim of the NSS is Educaton through Community Service and Community Service through Education.
Halakura College has introduced National Service Scheme (NSS) from the Academic Session 2020-2021 and as such Mr. Ibrahim Hussain Sheikh, Assistant Professor, Department of History has been appointed as Programme Officer of the NSS Unit of the college. The NSS Unit of Halakura College has 100 numbers of volunteers from different Semesters.
The NSS Unit of the college is a vibrant one and the Unit has been rendering commendable service to the college through different levels of its activities in the interests of the students and the local community in keeping with the vision and mission of the NSS.

Scouting came into existence in pursuance of the principles and methods conceived by its Founder Sir Robert Stephenson Smyth Lord Baden Powel, a retired top Military Officer in the year 1907. It was Lord Baden Powel’s famous book ‘Scouting for Boys’ which caused the birth and growth of Scouting in the world.
The Hindustan Scouts and Guides Association is a non-political, non-sectarian, non-communal, non-profitable educational organisation of India. The Hindustan Scouts and Guides Association is a Scouting and Guiding Association of the country which works with the objective of contributing to mental, physical and spiritual development of youth to make them complete and perfect human being through Scouting and Guiding. With this objective in view, the Association undertakes lots of activities relating to Community Development, Social Service, Adventure Activities, Yoga, All Faith Meditation, Environmental Conservation, Vocational Skills, National Integration, Spirit of Patriotism, Brotherhood,Loyalty, Discipline and Leadership qualities etc.
- To make available voluntary membership regardless of class, creed and colour.
- To develop spiritual awareness among its members.
- To create an awareness of and involvement in Service to others and the community.
- To develop unprejudiced attitudes and an understanding of and respect for others.
- To promote a commitment to a code of values resulting in self-discipline and development of the full potential of the member paving the way for achieving a meaningful place in society.
- To make each individual self-reliant, supportive, responsible and a committed person.
- To reach out to a greater youth population.
- To establish a good image and high visibility.
- To encourage Community Development and Nation Building activities.
- To establish a good network at all levels.
The Hindustan Scouts and Guides has been introduced in Halakura college from the year 2022-2023. Since its introduction, it has started enrolling students studying in different Semesters of the B.A. Programme and at present it has altogether 150 numbers of dedicated members.
Halakura College Unit of the Hindustan Scouts and Guides functions under the able leadership and guidance of Meghnath Roy, a trained Scout Master of Golakganj who has been permitted by the college to enrol its students-both boys and girls- and train them towards achieving the goal of a better nation.