10 February
Payment Methods at Ozwin Casino, Secure Transactions for Australian Users
5 January
Hello World!
30 October
(30/10/2024) B.A.1st & B.A.3rd Sem.(from 2023-24) need to compulsorily register their papers (courses) in the https://gauhati.samarth.edu.in/
3 September
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16 August
(16/08/2024) B.A. 1st Sem. Exam. 2023 Fail Grade in Internal Assesment (IA) of any paper
14 August
Notice about Admission into BA 3rd & 5th Semester 2024-25
10 August
Notification 2024-25
10 August
Revised Notice B.A. 3rd Sem. Admission Notice (2024-25)
8 August
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6 August
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